Want to stay up to date on the happenings of the
MN Jr. Simmental Association?
Like us on Facebook: Minnesota Simmental Association
Follow us on Instagram: mnjrsimmental
Join the Remind Me app: https://www.remind.com/join/mnjrs or text this
message: @mnjrs to the following number: 81010
Annual Dues
$5 is all it takes to join the MN Junior Simmental Association
Please Venmo your dues to @MNJuniorSimmental
In the memo section include the name of the junior and their current T-Shirt size​​
Alternatively, please mail your dues to Adrienne Hilbrands.
If received by April 30th you will receive an MN Jr Simmental Association T-shirt to wear at Jr. Nationals!
MJSA Member Point Program
Cash prizes are awarded to students who have been active participants in MJSA.
5-10 points = $25
11+ points = $50​
Student's names will be put into a hat and three individuals in each category will receive an additional prize.
Junior (age 8-14 as of January 1st)​
Senior (age 15-21 as of January 1st)
Points will accumulate year to year, and be a factor for awarding educational scholarships to active members, supporting individuals who want to attend the bi-annual AJSA Leadership Conference and supporting those MJSA members who may earn a position as a national trustee.
Bring the completed form to the MJSA meeting in November or submit to mnjrsimmental@gmail.com no later than the day prior to the meeting.
MJSA Showperson of the Year
Minnesota Junior Simmental Show Person of the Year Award will be awarded to the high point exhibitor in Junior Shows throughout this year's show season.
To be eligible for this award, which will be presented at a membership, participants must be members of the Minnesota Junior Simmental Association.
Junior Memberships need to be paid by the first show for eligibility.
Juniors may still join after the first eligible show but that show will not be counted in points.
Cirlce placings on form and email to MNJrSimmental@gmail.com no later than November 7th
MJSA Show Heifer of the Year
Minnesota Simmental Show Heifer of the Year Award will be awarded to the high point heifer in Junior & Open Shows throughout this year's show season.
To be eligible for this award, which will be presented at a membership, participants must be members of the Minnesota Junior Simmental Association.
Junior Memberships need to be paid by the first show for eligibility.
Cirlce placings on form and email to MNJrSimmental@gmail.com no later than November 7th