Dustin Volz Scholarship
Requirements: Senior graduating with a four-year degree
Application Deadline: 11/14/2023
Amount: $800
Annually, the Volz family awards a scholarship in memory of their son, Dustin Volz.
The senior needs to write an essay titled: “What experiences have you drawn upon as a Minnesota Jr. Simmental member to prepare you for life after college?”
Please email essay to John and Rita Volz at volzfarm@bevcomm.net
MJSA Continuing Education Scholarship
Application Deadline: Two days prior to the MJSA Annual Meeting in November
Amount: $1,000
MJSA members who are High School Senior or older can apply for a scholarship to apply to their education plans after school. This includes a trade school, technical college, university or beyond.
The purpose of the scholarship is to reward active members of the MJSA and support their continuing education plans. Scholarships will be awarded based on evaluation of the application and their involvement in the association. Applicants should also provide proof of enrollment such as a transcript or acceptance letter.
The scholarship applications will be reviewed by a group of three individuals (not related to the
A junior member 15 years or older
A senior board member
Another MSA adult member
The application consists of three essay questions. The total word count for responses to all three questions should not exceed 1000 words.
Tell us about your future career plans and the education path you have selected. (20 points)
What have you learned from your involvement in the Simmental association that you will apply to your life’s work? (20 points)
How can/will you advocate for the beef industry in your future? (10 points)
An individual can only earn the scholarship once, but can apply for it more than once up until they are 21. Recipients must be a paid member of MJSA.
Please email completed applications to MNJrSimmental@gmail.com two days prior to the MJSA Annual Meeting in November.